Student Handbook
General Information
- School Calendar
- Communication
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Arrivals & Departures
- Bus Procedures
- Change of Contact Information
- Dress Code
- Drug-Free Environment
- Electronic Devices in School
- Holidays & Celebrations
- Lost & Found
- Photographs
- Potential Nuisance Items
- Recess
- Reporting System
- School Closing
- School Supplies
School Calendar
The most up-to-date calendar of events is available here. Events may also be communicated through Thursday newsletter, email publications and/or through robo calls. Families are also encouraged to follow us on Facebook.
The staff at Little Canada is always interested in helping our families feel connected to their students’ school. Please consider all the opportunities listed below so you can be well informed about what is happening at Little Canada.
Bear News Newsletter
If you have not already done so, please provide the Little Canada main office with a current email address so you will receive electronic communication through our Thursday newsletter.
This website will provide you with information about Little Canada Elementary including:
- School hours
- School calendar
- Nutrition and menus
- Teacher conferences
- Little Canada Facebook link
- Testing information
- School supply lists
- Parent student handbook
- News
- Media Center information
- Dual Language Immersion Program
Social Media
Our Facebook account can be found at:
The page is continuously updated with photos and calendar information that will help you stay informed about the goings on at Little Canada.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Arrivals & Departures
Student Hours: 8:55 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.
Students are not allowed to enter the building before 8:45 a.m. as there is no supervision.
Students may arrive between 8:30 and 8:50 a.m. Students arriving before 8:45 a.m. will need to wait outside. Students who wish to eat school breakfast are dismissed to the cafeteria at 8:30 a.m. They should go directly to the cafeteria and not stop at their classrooms to drop off coats and backpacks. Students who do not eat school breakfast remain outside until they are released to their classrooms at 8:45 a.m. Classroom instruction begins at 8:55 a.m.
If you need childcare before or after school, contact Friendship Connection, which is our provider of childcare in our building, at 651-482-0420. Your cooperation in following this policy is appreciated.
Students who walk to school will aided by student and/or adult crossing guards at the corner of Eli and DeSoto. Please communicate with your classroom teacher if your child has permission to walk home after school. Parents are responsible to communicate to classroom teachers and the school office if there is a change in daily transportation arrangements.
Most students are transported to and from school by bus. Students must ride their assigned bus, board and exit the bus at their assigned stop, and follow bus safety guidelines. If a student will be dropped off or picked up at a different stop, or needs to ride a different bus, they must bring a note to school. If a student will be picked up rather than take the bus home, send a note to their teacher and communicate the change to the LC Office staff. If there are any transportation changes during the day, you must contact the office regarding the change prior to
1 p.m.
Dropping Off and Picking Up Students
Curbside drop off and pick up is available on the east side of the building through the east side parking lot. Please drop your child off in the east parking lot and have them enter the school at the front entrance. When using the drop-off lane, please pull down as far as possible to accommodate other families waiting behind you.
Do not drop children off at the front entrance when school busses are present.
Do not drop children off on Eli Road. It is illegal to stop there and dangerous for the children to cross the parking lot to the front door.
If while dropping off your child in the morning, You are planning on accompanying your child into school, please park in the east parking lot and escort them to the front entrance and sign in the office as a visitor.
If you are picking your child up at the end of school day you have two options. You may wait in the drive-through pick-up line and your child will be escorted to your vehicle. Or you may choose to park in the east parking lot and walk to the sidewalk to escort your child to your vehicle. Children are not allowed to leave the sidewalk unescorted.
Bus Procedures
Students should arrive at their stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus. They are expected to wait for the bus in a safe, courteous manner. Safety means staying out of the street and not playing games near traffic. Courtesy means being respectful of private property near the bus stop and keeping hands and body to self. Parents are responsible for their child’s behavior and safety to and from the bus stop, prior to entering, and immediately after exiting the bus. Kindergarten students will not be released from the bus unless a parent or guardian is at the stop to receive them. Unsupervised kindergarten students will be returned to school. Families will be contacted to pick up their child. If children are not picked up by 4 p.m, they will be placed in Friendship Connection and parents will be billed accordingly.
Bus transportation is offered to Roseville Area School students who live more than 1/2 mile from their assigned school or who live in an area where walking is hazardous. Bus transportation is a privilege extended by the board of education; it is not a right. All students are required to obey bus conduct rules, which are in place to protect the safety and well being of all students. Failure to observe the rules may result in loss of bus privileges.
Students may rollerblade, skateboard, bike or ride scooters to and from school with their families’ permission. These items are to be stored at the outdoor bike rack located near the front doors. Students are encouraged to lock these items to the bike rack and wear appropriate safety gear (e.g., helmets, etc.). Neither the school nor the district assumes liability for such items.
Bus Rules
- Immediately follow the directions of your driver, or bus patrol.
- Sit in your seat facing forward.
- Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
- Behave safely – do not throw any objects, do not stick your head or arms out of the windows.
- Keep your arms, legs and belongings to yourself.
- Show respect for others, no fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay.
- Treat the bus with respect.
- No eating, drinking, or use of tobacco or drugs is allowed.
- Do not bring any weapon or dangerous objects onto the school bus.
- You must have a note from a parent or school representative before riding on any bus to which you are not normally assigned.
Consequences for inappropriate behavior could include:
- Conversation with bus patrol, bus driver or administration
- Assigned seating
- Bus suspension
- Termination of bus privileges
Change of Contact Information
Dress Code
Little Canada respects the right of students to dress in a way that expresses their personal style as long as it is not obscene or causes a disruption to the learning environment. Students must be appropriately dressed and groomed for school. We at Little Canada are committed to maintaining a school atmosphere that is inclusive, respectful and conducive to student learning.
The following guidelines apply to student dress while at school, and include but are not limited to the following:
- Clothing or accessories that are obscene, sexually suggestive, or display images or slogans referring to violence, alcohol, tobacco, drugs or gang affiliation are not acceptable.
- Clothing may not display demeaning, discriminatory, inflammatory, or intimidating language
- Clothing must cover the back, midriff, cleavage, etc. and may not be too revealing.
- Students must wear appropriate footwear during the school day and any school activities (ie., dances, sports, etc.)
- Any accessories that may offend or create a danger to self or others (ie. spikes, chains, etc.) are not permitted.
Drug-Free Environment
Tobacco, alcohol and chemical use is strictly prohibited on school grounds. This includes all activities before, during and after school for all students, siblings, parent and staff. Tobacco use is not permitted in any Roseville Area School District parking lot.
Students shall not possess, use, or distribute alcohol, tobacco, or other illegal drugs while on school grounds or in school sponsored programs and activities. Such behavior is illegal as well as harmful to the student. Violations will result in any of the following consequences, depending on their frequency and/or severity of the offense:
- Parent notification
- Parent conference
- Suspension under Pupil Fair Dismissal Act
- Police notification or referral for prosecution
- Referral to counselor, social worker, or other resource
- Expulsion under Pupil Fair Dismissal Act
Electronic Devices in School
While many students own technology equipment including cell phones, Phones, iPods, personal gaming systems, etc. the use of such devices is prohibited at school. These devices can create unnecessary distractions in the building. Students are discouraged from bringing these devices to school. If a parent or guardian considers it necessary for their student to bring these electronic items to school we suggest they remain hidden within backpacks, pockets or submitted to classroom teachers for safe keeping. Little Canada is not responsible for theft or damage to such items. If an electronic device becomes a distraction it will be confiscated.
- First offense: Student will be asked to put the device away.
- Second offense: Item will be confiscated by staff member and held until the end of the day.
- Third offense: Item will be confiscated by staff member and placed in the office. The item may be returned to the student following an administrative conference.
- Fourth offense: the confiscated item will remain in the office until a parent/guardian is able to reclaim the item following an administrative conference.
Holidays & Celebrations
Celebrations are a very important part of creating a community of learners. In an effort to make Little Canada an inclusive environment for everyone, Little Canada Elementary School will not be endorsing specific holidays through our school wide or classroom practices. Instead, we will be focusing on our inclusive celebrations that support the mission, vision and values of Little Canada Elementary School and the Roseville School District. Our district practice is that we provide education about holidays, and celebrations (it is a significant part of the kindergarten curriculum and EL outcomes) but we don’t promote or celebrate specific holidays or religious events. The last sentence of Section 2.3 of the Religion and Roseville Area Schools’ policy states, “The school district does not support the inclusion of activities that are primarily celebrations for specific religious beliefs and customs.” Section 3.13 states “The primary objective of the activity is instructive, not celebrative.” Given that students are a “captive audience” during the school day, we are especially careful not to assume that all students share all beliefs or participate in celebrations that have been traditionally endorsed. Little Canada Elementary School will continue to celebrate learning achievements and school values through celebrations such as Hope and Dreams gatherings, Ice Cream for Books, Celebration of Learning Nights, etc.
Lost & Found
Lost and found articles are kept in the Lost & Found area located in the entryway. Several times during the school year items are placed in the Commons Area to be claimed. Items not claimed are donated to charity. To guard against lost items, please use a marker to label items with your child’s first and last name. Items left on the bus can be claimed by calling Centerline Charter at 651-482-1794.
Students should not bring valuables to school. Collections, mementos, favorite toys, electronics (Game Boys, iPods, cell phones) etc., can be damaged, lost, or “disappear.” Little Canada is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Potential Nuisance Items
Items that may become distractions such as gaming cards, Matchbox Cars, silly bands, spinners, Pokemon, etc., are discouraged. Please contact your classroom teacher if you have questions about classroom acceptance of any of these items. Little Canada is not responsible for theft or damage to such items.
Lunch/recess for kindergarten is 60 minutes long. Lunch/recess for grades 1-6 is 40-45 minutes long. After the children finish eating, they have outdoor recess. Each child should be dressed for the weather conditions. We recommend boots, hats, mittens, etc. when the winter weather arrives. Students are expected to participate in outdoor recess unless otherwise directed by school personnel or a doctor’s note.
- Play area: Students will stay on the playground, inside of the blacktopped walking track Tennis courts may be used upon permission from recess supervisors based on the ability to provide adequate supervision of that space.
- Physical play: For safety reasons students may not play games that involve pushing, pulling, tackling, tripping, or other aggressive activities. Play fighting is prohibited.
- Weather: Students will not participate in outdoor recess if the temperature is below 0 or if the wind chill is -10 degrees below zero. Please prepare your child to go outside for recess every day! If conditions appear to present a potential hazard or disruption to normal school functions, Little Canada staff may elect to hold indoor recess.
- Permissions: Students may stay in their classroom during recess only with written permission from the classroom teacher stating a plan for supervision. Students who wish to not participate in recess due to health reasons need a doctor’s note.
Reporting System
One of our district goals is for families to report a high level of satisfaction with the communication they receive about their child. Our new Elementary Reporting System enables teachers to communicate regularly with families about a student’s academic achievement, progress, and learning-related behaviors. This reporting system consists of an early conference, two formal report cards, a formal reporting conference, and two informal mid-term checkpoints. Through these reporting tools, you will have a better understanding of how your child is performing on grade level outcomes and expectations.
Families may also receive informal feedback on daily work, samples of pupil’s work, and formal tests as well as information on academic and social growth.
School Closing
In the event of severe weather or mechanical breakdown, the start time of Little Canada, as part of the Roseville School District, may be delayed or the entire school system may be closed. Official announcements regarding Roseville Area Schools, including Little Canada Elementary School, will be made over radio station WCCO (830 AM) and most other local television and radio stations between 6 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. Specific schools are not listed on cancellations. Little Canada is part of Roseville School District. Please look for cancellation information for the entire Roseville School District. If no report is heard, school will be in session. Please limit phone calls on days in question and listen to your radio/TV. If emergency conditions such as a fire, gas leak, etc. occur during the day at Little Canada School, plans have been made to take the students to St. John School located at 2621 McMenemy Road in Little Canada. Families will receive an automated phone call regarding the event with follow up instructions.
School Supplies
A school supply list will be handed out to your children and is available here. Please check with your child occasionally to see if they need to replenish their supplies.
Student Services
Special Services
Resource programs are available at Little Canada for students with special needs. These programs include special services for students who meet state criteria under the categories of learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, physically handicapped, or speech/language disorders, etc .
State law provides specific guidelines for the administration of these programs, as well as specific eligibility criteria which a student must meet prior to admission. Evaluation of a student for admission into any of these programs is a very complex process requiring professional study and testing. Students are usually referred for assessment by their classroom teacher. However, parents may request this testing for their child.
Title I
Library/Media Services
The Little Canada media center offers an assortment of resources and opportunities for our students and staff. These resources include books, audio books, Playaways, magazines, and reference materials. We also offer a variety of electronic resources, including subscription databases and online reading resources.
Library/media/technology skills are integrated into the classroom curriculum strengthening the teaching/learning process so that students can develop the vital skills necessary to become effective users of information and ideas. This integrated media program requires flexible access. This allows for individual, small group, and large group instruction.
Some teachers choose to have a fixed weekly book exchange time; others prefer to send students on an individual basis. Students are invited to exchange books daily. Kindergartners are allowed one book; first graders and second graders may check out two. Students in grades 3-6 may borrow three books. Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for an additional two weeks. Magazines and reference materials are one-day items.
Fines are not assessed for overdue books; they are, however, collected for damaged or lost books. Students with two current overdue books will not be allowed to check out materials until books are returned.
Acceptable Use Procedures & Policy
Students are instructed in computer literacy, including the district adopted Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and use these skills in the computer lab/ classroom to assist in learning other subjects.
- I understand many important educational resources are accessed using school technology.
- I will use technology in schools for educational purposes only. The school has a right to monitor my use of school technology.
- I will use respectful language and behavior while using school technology.
- I will be mindful of school resources by printing only what is absolutely necessary.
- I will not give out personal information about myself or anyone else while using school technology.
- I will not look at, download, or communicate any material that is obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit or offensive in terms of race, ethnicity, sex, or religion. I will tell a teacher if I come across any information that is inappropriate or makes me feel uncomfortable.
- I will never access, remove, change or harm another person’s files.
- I will not use another person’s system or password.
- I will follow all laws and school rules when I use school technology.
- I will give credit when I use another’s work, whether it is from a book, the internet, or elsewhere.
- I will use the internet at school only with permission from a present, supervising adult.
- I will be respectful of and responsible for all school technology I use, leaving it in good working order, organized and ready for the next person.
Student Attendance
General Information
It is important for each child to be at school every day. Please make every attempt to schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments, outside of the school day. If your child will be absent, call the school at 651-490-1353 and choose Attendance Line. For each day missed, a note or email to explaining the absence should be brought to school on the following day and given to the classroom teacher or Little Canada office.
If you wish to have your child dismissed early, you must send a note or email to the teacher with your request and/or call the office before 1 p.m. that day. Students will not be released to anyone other than their parents/guardians or emergency contacts unless we have written or verbal permission from parent/guardian. The person picking up the child must come into the school office and sign the child out. We will call the student down at that time.
District Attendance Policy
1.0 Purpose
It is the position of Independent School District No. 623 that regular school attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students’ emotional and social development, provides opportunity for important communication between teacher and student, and establishes regular habits of dependability important to the future of the student. Consequently, the following attendance policy is intended to be positive and not punitive.
2.0 Responsibilities
This policy also recognizes that class attendance is a joint responsibility to be shared by the student, parent or guardian, teacher, and administrators. This policy will assist students in attending classes regularly to meet their academic responsibilities.
2.1 Student’s Responsibility
- It is the student’s right to be in school.
- It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with all the procedures governing attendance.
- It is the student’s responsibility to attend all assigned classes and study halls every day that school is in session and to follow the correct procedures when absent from an assigned class or study hall.
- It is the student’s responsibility to complete any assignments missed due to an absence.
2.2 Parent or Guardian’s Responsibility
- It is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to ensure that the student attends school and to understand the school’s attendance procedures.
- It is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to accurately inform the school, in a timely manner, of the reason for a student’s absence.
- It is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to work cooperatively with the school and the student to improve student behavior as to school attendance.
2.3 Teacher’s Responsibility
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to take daily attendance and to maintain accurate attendance records in each assigned class and study hall.
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to be familiar with all procedures governing attendance and to apply these procedures equitably.
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to provide any student who has been absent with any missed assignments upon request.
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to work cooperatively with the student’s parent or guardian and the student to address any attendance issues that occur.
2.4 Administrator’s Responsibility
- It is the administrator’s responsibility to require that students attend all assigned classes and study halls.
- It is the administrator’s responsibility to be familiar with all procedures governing attendance and to apply these procedures equitably to all students.
- It is the administrator’s responsibility to receive and maintain accurate records on student attendance.
- It is the administrator’s responsibility to work cooperatively with the student’s parent or guardian and the student to address any attendance issues that occur.
- It is the administrator’s responsibility to inform parents and students annually of the need for regular school attendance and of the regulations, procedures, and implementation plan for this policy.
3.0 Requirements
In accordance with the regulations of the Minnesota Compulsory Instruction Law, Minnesota Statutes Section 120A.22, the students of District No. 623 are required to attend all assigned classes and/or study halls every day school is in session unless the student has a valid excuse for being absent, has been excused by the school board because the student has met all state and district graduation requirements, or has been directed by the school district not to attend school for a specific amount of time.
Safety & Security
Emergency Response Preparedness
Roseville Area Schools prepare students and staff to respond to emergencies. As we all are aware, there are many different situations involving safety, health or security, which may occur in our schools. Our goal is to prepare our staff and students to properly react to the various types of problems that might occur. You may hear of our preparations during the year as your child brings home information or comments on some of the discussions held at school related to these issues.
Our emergency response effort has many topics, including bus accidents, illness or injuries, hazardous accidents, weather emergencies, utility emergencies, assault or intruders, bomb threats, evacuation plans, and missing children. We are required by the State of Minnesota to practice five fire drills, five lock downs and one severe warning drill per school year.
In case of weather related emergencies, the district will contact local television and radio outlets and update our website to get the information to the general public. In the rare case of early dismissals during the day, we will communicate with families through a an automated robocall. This means we need some prior information at school about your preference, and your child should also know what is to be done.
You must provide medical emergency information for the student information file. This along with emergency numbers is very important in case of an emergency involving your child.
Each building has set up a planned evacuation site so that parents can have an idea of where their children will be in case of a fire, utility emergency, or other evacuation causes. For Little Canada School, our evacuation site is St. John’s Elementary School. In case there is an evacuation, a mass telephone call (robocall) will go out to all members of our community.
Roseville Area Schools uses an emergency notification system (District 623 Alert), which is an effective and efficient method for communicating important news with our families. Within minutes, the district can send recorded voice messages to a parent/guardian. Parents/guardians have the opportunity to designate their 623 alert emergency notification phone number on their child’s Health and Emergency form at the beginning of the school year.
Finally, it is a good idea to spend some time with your child, going over the problems that you might imagine occurring and what you would like to see done in each situation. It is always a good idea for your child to carry a card with name, home address, and phone numbers in their backpack or lunch box. This is helpful especially for very young students who happen to get on the wrong bus, or not remember his/her name, address or telephone number when under stress.
Health Services
- General Information
- Illness or Injury
- Is My Child Well Enough for School?
- Medication
- Allergies
- Immunizations
- Screening
- Homebound Instruction/Extended Illness
General Information
Each school in Roseville Area Schools has a health office staffed by a health assistant under the supervision of the licensed school nurse. The school health office functions to support students who become ill or injured during the school day, administer medications to students who require it, and provide assistance to students who need support with the management of chronic health conditions at school.
You are encouraged to contact the licensed school nurse if your student has a chronic health condition requiring management during the school day, or if you have a question regarding your student’s health.
Illness or Injury
If your student becomes ill or seriously injured at school and it is necessary for them to go home, you or your designated emergency contact person will be contacted by the Health Office to pick up your student. Students who are 18 or older may sign themselves out at the discretion of school staff.
Please notify the school office immediately each time your phone numbers or emergency contact names/numbers change, or update them in ParentVue (CLICK HERE). We depend on you for this information and we need to be able to reach you quickly in case your student is ill or injured. If we cannot reach you or your emergency contacts, we may call 911 or contact the police. Students are not allowed to call parents from a classroom to request permission to go home.
Not every health office visit will be reported home. You are encouraged to call your school health office with any questions.
Is My Child Well Enough for School?
The following will help you decide whether your child is too sick and should stay home from school.
- If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, they should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal and remains normal without fever-reducing medication.
- If your child has vomited or has diarrhea, they should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
- If your child had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your healthcare provider before sending them back to school.
If your child is ill, please call the school to report the absence each day of the illness. If you have questions regarding your child's illness, please call your school nurse or healthcare provider.
For students with health conditions that require medication during the school day, parents/guardian-provided medication is administered by the licensed school nurse, or by the health assistant or other staff under the direction and supervision of the licensed school nurse. There is no school supply of medication.
For the protection of students, families, and school personnel:
- A new medication permission form is required each and every school year.
- All medications needed during the school day are stored in the health office. Medications required in other programs or outside the normal school day hours are stored in a secure location in that program’s area.
- If there are concerns about any student medication, the licensed school nurse may contact the health care provider and/or request a healthcare provider’s order for an over-the-counter medication.
- Medications prescribed for more than two (2) weeks and which must be taken at school must have the “Dispensation of Medication” form signed by the prescribing provider and the parent/guardian. For over the counter medications, a parent’s signature only is required.
- Medication prescribed for less than two (2) weeks requires written permission from the parent/guardian only.
- All medications must be in original containers labeled with all of the following: student’s full name, medication name, dose, and times of day to take medication.
- Students are not allowed to self-administer medication without approval from the licensed school nurse, parent/guardian approval, and health care provider signature (for prescription medication).
- At the end of the school year medications will be sent home with students unless otherwise indicated. Return of controlled medications (e.g. ADHD medications) will be coordinated with families.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the licensed school nurse at the child’s school to discuss any concerns or special needs, or to request assistance in obtaining required authorization from their healthcare provider.
Prescription and over-the-counter medications will be stored in a locked cabinet in the Health Office. Emergency medications (e.g., asthma inhalers, seizure medications, epinephrine pens) will be stored in an unlocked cabinet for easy access in the event of an emergency.
Roseville Area Schools are allergy aware and strive to provide a safe school environment for students with life threatening allergies. Please provide an anaphylaxis action plan each school year, or every 12 months. To plan accommodations specific to your student, please contact the Licensed School Nurse.
Minnesota law requires students to be immunized against certain diseases or have a signed, legal medical or conscientious exemption kept in the student health record. These requirements apply to all students whether they attend public schools, private schools, or home schools. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the school health office in order for the student to enroll or remain enrolled. If a parent or guardian objects to immunizations for either medical or personal reasons, a notarized statement is needed on the Student Immunization form. The notarized statement specifies the immunization(s) the child will not be receiving. Download the form here, or contact the health office for information about obtaining a medical or conscientious exemption.
Licensed school nurses conduct vision and hearing screening at school in alignment with the recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Teachers may identify a student who appears to struggle to see and then can request that the student is screened. Parent/guardians may also contact their licensed school nurse and request screening for their child.
Schoolwide screening provided in select grades, as recommended by MDH, are a way to identify students who may need glasses. Students may also be screened as part of a school special education evaluation. Often individuals are not aware that they are struggling to see details at a distance, so screening is helpful to identify those who should follow up with their healthcare provider.
Health screenings that licensed school nurses can provide at school include:
- Distance vision acuity
- Close vision acuity
- Spot Vision Screener that can identify several different vision conditions
- Eye muscle balance for lazy eye (amblyopia) (for preschool to grade 1)
- Color vision deficiency
- Hearing
Homebound Instruction/Extended Illness
When a student’s ability to attend school is interrupted by major illness or injury, they may become eligible for homebound instruction when the length of absence is anticipated to be fifteen or more school days. The application for homebound instruction is made through the school nurse. Allotted time is one hour per day for each day missed. When students have an extended illness that does not qualify for homebound instruction, they may request homework from teachers through the nurse or student support services.
Nutrition Services
General Information
All meals (breakfast, lunch, and after school super snack) are available at no cost to families. Families are still encouraged to fill out the Application for Educational Benefits each year.
CLICK HERE for more information about breakfast, lunch, and more
Menu Choices
All menu items including photos, descriptions, ingredients, allergens, and nutritional information can be found here. Meals include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. All meals and snacks meet the dietary guidelines the USDA school nutrition programs. Special meal accommodations can be made with a Special Diet Statement signed by a medical provider.
District School Food & Snack Policy
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure a school environment that promotes and protects student and staff health, wellbeing, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating, physical activity, and healthy life-styles. The district is committed to providing a school culture that supports whole child wellness; encouraging students to maintain lifelong healthy eating habits, physical, social, and emotional health.
2.0 Goals
2.1 Nutrition Education - continue to integrate nutrition education into the E-12 curriculum.
2.2 Physical Activities - promote physical activity through curricular and noncurricular activities including recess, interscholastic and intramural activities and out-of-school time. In addition, opportunities for physical activity will be incorporated into other subject lessons and classroom teachers will provide short physical activity breaks between lessons or classes where appropriate.
2.3 Other School Based Activities - provide guidelines for school parties, fundraising and school based activities that promote the use of healthy foods. Sites will limit food and beverage fundraising and marketing to the promotion of products that meet US Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrition standards.
2.3.1 The district will ensure that foods and beverages sold, offered or served on school grounds during the school day but outside of the school meals programs (including but not limited to school stores, fundraising, classroom celebrations/parties/snacks, and vending machines) meet the USDA Child Nutrition Smart Snack standards. Staff is encouraged to use non-food items for classroom/student rewards.
2.3.2 In addition, any food or beverage marketing within the district must meet the Smart Snack standards. Marketing and advertising of non-nutritious foods and beverages as outlined in the Smart Snack Guidelines, through signage, vending machine fronts, logos, scoreboards, school supplies, advertisements in school publications, incentive programs, or other means will be prohibited during the regular school day.
2.4 School Nutrition - The District Wellness Policy will meet or exceed the USDA Federal Nutritional Guidelines for the meal components of reimbursable meals. USDA Child Nutrition Standards apply to all foods and beverages available at each school during the school day. This includes the National School Lunch Program, National School Breakfast Program, Snack Program, Special Milk Program, Child and Adult Care Feeding Program, Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program, Summer Food Service Program as well as food sold a la carte.
2.4.1 Qualified Nutrition Services personnel will provide students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious, and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students while trying to accommodate the religious, ethnic and cultural diversity of the student body in meal planning. All school nutrition program directors, managers and staff will meet or exceed hiring and annual continuing education/training requirements in the USDA professional standards for child nutrition professionals.
2.4.2 School nutrition programs will integrate local menu items as seasonally available and when financially viable.
2.4.3 The district will make accommodations for the special dietary needs of students with or without disability as mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990 and Individuals with Disability Education Act and per USDA regulations 7 CFR 15b and 7 CFR 210 & 220.
2.5 The district will provide student access to hand washing or hand sanitizing before they eat their meals or snacks.
2.6 The district will require that all foods and beverages made available on campus during the regular school day which begins at midnight before the start of the school day and ends one-half hour after the end of the school day will meet USDA Child Nutrition Standards. This includes but is not limited to, concessions, school stores, vending, beverage contracts and all other instances where food or beverages are provided or sold.
3.0 Implementation
3.1 Each building will have representation on the District Wellness committee.
3.2 Each building administrator will establish a site wellness team, consisting of staff, students and parents/guardians and community members that meet regularly and who will develop and implement an action plan that supports this policy within the site.
3.3 The district-wide wellness committee will support monitoring and evaluation of the policy, with representation from district staff, students and families and will make recommendations regarding the wellness policy to the superintendent. A triennial report will be given to the school board to monitor district wide compliance with policy guidelines and goals in addition to being posted on the district website.
4.0 Communication
4.1 The district will develop and implement a communication plan that includes staff and student education and communication to families to ensure understanding of the Wellness policy. The district will make this information available via the district website and/or districtwide communications.
4.2 The district will include public involvement in the policy revision process through the district’s public school board meeting notes, web page, and social media page(s).
5.0 Exemptions
5.1 Exemptions from this policy may be granted by the school board upon recommendation of the superintendent based upon the best interests of the district.
Many teachers permit students to bring morning or afternoon snacks to school. These may be eaten during designated break periods, usually lasting about 10 minutes. Each classroom teacher will notify families about their procedure.
Please encourage your child to bring something nutritious for a snack. We ask that you not send pop to school.
Parent/Family Involvement
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The Little Canada Parent Teacher Association (PTA) works with the school to provide quality education for all students. You are encouraged to become a member. For more information about the PTA, please click here.
Parents are encouraged to visit Little Canada School. As a courtesy to the teacher, a prior appointment is requested for a visit and/or conference. All visitors must check in and out of the office during school hours and display a visitor badge.
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children. Please call the office in advance so our cooks can prepare for additional meals. When you arrive, please stop in the office to pay for your lunch.
To review the district's policy re: visitors, please click here.